วันจันทร์ที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


  • Get to know orchid

  • How many species of orchids ?

  • How to grow the orchids ?

  • Orchid's product

  • Orchid's market

Significance: with an astounding number of varieties,orchids are known for their delicate beauty and exotic character. Evolving through anintricate and interesting history, the meaning of orchids include love, beauty,luxury,fancy,strength and long-lasting.

    Orchids are also one of the most adaptable plant groups on earth. Some Australian orchids grow entirely underground, and many tropical jungle orchids grow in the upper branches of trees.Orchids produce seed pods with literally hundreds of thousands of seed that are released and scattered by the wind. Orchid seeds must establish a symbiotic relationship with a special fungus to survive its first year of life. The fungi gathers water and minerals for itself and the seedling, and the seedling shares its sugars from photosynthesis with the fungus. Only one or two orchid seeds will ever germinate and survive on that perfect crevice or depression that is both moist and has the fungus present .

All orchids have 3 petals and 3 sepals (outer segments).
One of the petals, the lower, more attractive one, is modified; it is called the lip or labellum. In some orchids some of these parts are reduced or fused. The two lateral sepals of Paphiopedilum are fused, for example. The petals and lip of Masdevallia are greatly reduced and the sepals are broadly joined, giving the flowers a distinctive
triangular or tubular shape. There are some plants which bear flowers greatly resembling
orchids in this arrangement of flower parts.
